Smart solutions. Improved care.

We help healthcare providers streamline document management processes to enhance efficiency, control costs, increase patient safety, and improve patient care.


Mega Business Systems offers solutions that enable healthcare professionals to be more efficient and profitable while enhancing the quality of patient care. We help streamline admissions and discharge processes, support HIPAA compliance and integrate patient information with EHR systems.

Safeguard Documents Containing Protected Health Information

Mega Business Systems offers options to help secure protected health information in compliance with HIPAA and other regulations. Our solutions allow you to restrict authorization to print, copy, scan, or send patient documents to ensure that patient records go to the right destination every time. Authorized personnel can securely print and distribute confidential documents from their PC or mobile device and release it at any Canon multifunction printer whenever and wherever they need it.

Efficiently Print the Documents Your Healthcare Organization Requires

Mega Business Systems works closely with industry-leading healthcare information system providers such as Cerner, McKesson, and Meditech to help ensure that healthcare organizations can easily, efficiently, and effectively print the critical documents and records that are needed each day. Our solutions help clinical staff share information quickly and securely with EHRs, HIEs and other health record databases so they have more time to devote to patient care.

Implement Strategies to Manage Costs

Controlling print costs in a paper-intensive environment can be challenging. Mega Business Systems offers a wide range of reporting and cost recovery solutions that can help contain costs, address interoperability and protect data security. Tools such as uniFLOW assess and manage costs by influencing print processes and staff behavior, preventing wasteful printing practices, and providing greater control over device use throughout your organization.

Presby’s Inspired Life

Enhancing the lives of others has long been the goal of Presby’s Inspired Life. Located in the Greater Philadelphia area, this regional leader in senior living has provided quality housing and devoted service for nearly 60 years. Known for its tight-knit communities and exceptional service, Presby’s Inspired Life provides all who enter through its doors the opportunity to engage in what life has to offer, and to the extent they are able. This distinguished senior service provider is appreciated for its compassionate employees who help offer a spectrum of opportunities to the 3,000 residents it supports in 31 different communities.

CLICK HERE to view the Presby’s Inspired Life Case Study.

Securing Multi-Function Printers in Healthcare Environments

Cybersecurity has been a hot topic in the world of healthcare IT with the focus mostly on computer networks. But what about printers? The security vulnerability of printers has not garnered the attention it deserves among IT professionals.

In a recent Ponemon Institute survey, only 44 percent of IT professionals said their organizations’ security policies covered network-connected printers. 56 percent of surveyed companies ignored printers in their endpoint security strategy despite 64 percent of IT managers believing their printers were infected with malware.

LRS Output Management

Hospitals face a complicated web of output, with a multitude of applications, platforms and devices, which leads to printing redundancies, unnecessary IT labor, and can affect delays in daily operations. While health care clinical systems house important patient information, it can’t ensure that critical patient documents are printed where and when they are needed most, or even that they are printed at all. These problems are expensive, and worse, lead to lapses and delays in patient care.

Partnering  with  LRS, Mega Business Systems can offer healthcare customers an environment where output is secure, efficient and reliable helping to ensure consistent PHI and HIPAA compliance.

One LRS Enterprise Output server instance can replace many individual print servers. The LRS instances are less expensive to purchase, configure and maintain. This also contributes to centralization initiatives, giving IT one place to manage all devices, queues, and print drivers. There are also significant benefits in IT and end-user productivity gains.