Tell Your Printer What to Do
Gabi® Voice, Powered by IBM Watson, enables voice recognition for your Xerox® AltaLink® Multifunction Printer (MFP).

Gabi Voice, Powered by IBM Watson, Enables Voice Recognition for Your Xerox Multifunction Printer

Global Artificial Business Intelligence, aka Gabi Voice, lets you give a verbal command to your Xerox AltaLink MFP, and it executes on your command. For instance, tell your MFP to copy, scan to email, fax, or print securely.

Our partner, Gabi Solutions, developed Gabi Voice to support section 508c of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which governs accessibility of information technology in the U.S. federal government. This means that workers will be able to use several functions on an AltaLink MFP simply by stating the wake-up word, “Gabi,” followed by an intuitive command – regardless of visual impairments, learning disabilities, or limited motor skills. Just about anyone in your workforce will be able use Gabi Voice with minimal training.

Xerox, Gabi Voice, siri, apps, voice recognition, Mega Business Systems
IBM, Watson, Xerox, Gabi Voice, Siri, Mega Business Systems

Your information is secure.

Your voice commands are interpreted securely and accurately. Gabi Voice is a secure solution that you can count on:

  • Whitelisting: Gabi Voice only performs functions that are pre-programmed.
  • Storage and Encryption: All data is encrypted, and no data is stored.
  • Voice Activation and The Wake Word: Gabi Voice only begins to listen for pre-programmed commands when a user says “Gabi…”
  • Frequent, Auto-Updates: Security patches can be proactively applied.
  • Security Certifications: Gabi Voice and all SaaS offerings of the Gabi Smartbox meet the following security guidelines and certifications set forth by IBM Watson.
    • ISO 9001, ISO 1400, ISO 50001, OHSAS 1800, Privacy Shield, DAL09, PAR01, HITRUST, ISO 27018, ISO 27017, ISO 27001, SOC 1, SOC 2, FISMA, NIST, GDPR, 508(c)
means of communication, Xerox, Siri, Gabi Voice, innovation, Mega Business Systems
Gabi Voice PDF
installation instructions, Xerox, Gabi Voice, Siri, innovation, apps, Mega Business Systems
Gabi Installation PDF

Voice recognition improves productivity.

No need for manuals, icons or menus. Voice commands save time because they are intuitive and can be spoken in any order without clicking through multiple menus. For example, the command “Gabi, make 10 copies black and white double sided” or “Gabi, make 10 copies double sided black and white” is interpreted the same.

Intuitive voice recognition complies with federal 508c regulations.

Gabi Voice complies with federal 508c regulations and guidelines for technology that helps people with disabilities, such as blindness, low vision or limited dexterity. The voice-activated user interface uses natural language input and adapts to variances based on user speech patterns, such as accents or speech impediments, which makes Gabi Voice useful for everyone who uses the MFP. When Gabi Voice detects a command, it uses a corresponding set of machine-executable actions from a whitelist of known functions. Gabi Voice will only perform actions that have been pre-programmed.

Initiate a service request

If your AltaLink needs service, tell Gabi to initiate a service request, and it will gather the pertinent service information from your MFP (such as the serial number) and generate an email to your service provider. Consult with your sales representative on this function to confirm that your service provider can take advantage of this capability.

DIY hardware installation.

“Do it yourself” installation means you don․t need technical experience to install Gabi Voice. The hardware uses a 5.1 volt micro USB power adapter that is UL approved, and it is covered by Gabi Solutions․ warranty for one year. The kit includes:

  • 1-to-1 Gabi Smartbox: An Ethernet/USB/Bluetooth equipped micro-controller that communicates directly with your AltaLink MFP.
  • Speaker: An on-premises dedicated and integrated microphone/speaker that helps you talk to your MFP. A USB connects the speaker directly to the Gabi Smartbox.
    machine-executable actions from a whitelist of known functions. Gabi Voice will only perform actions that have been pre-programmed.

** Remember, Gabi Voice is available only for Xerox AltaLink multifunction printers. **

Contact us to learn more about Gabi or for a demo today!